At some point, Scott and i went out to a piece of our grandparents' property to do some target shooting with the .22-caliber 511 and my dad's 30-06 deer rifle. This deer rifle was my first experience shooting anything with a scope and I could. not. see. through it. The only thing that worked was for me to hold the rifle completely OFF of my face and shoulder, which would have absolutely pummeled me if i had been dumb enough to pull the trigger. It took me a second to figure out what the deal was--I'm LEFT-EYE DOMINANT. Not left-handed, but left-eye dominant. I had no idea. Now that i am old and i have had time to think about it, it makes perfect sense. I am right-handed. The left side of my brain controls basically everything i do. What is connected to my left brain? My left eye. Yeah.
So i was holding the rifle completely off and away from my body because i was trying to look through the scope with my left eye, even though the gun was on my right shoulder. S-M-R-T.
I've looked into this more, though, and i would be willing to bet that MOST people, women especially, are left-eye dominant. There are two schools of thought on how you deal with this when it comes to learning how to shoot, especially with long guns or anything with a scope. 1) Learn to shoot off your left shoulder. 2) Learn to shoot off of your right shoulder, but close your left eye or cover the left lens of your shooting glasses with a patch.
I say learn to shoot off your left shoulder. Look at it this way--it is going to be weird and uncomfortable to learn to shoot a long gun off of either shoulder. So go with the one that is going to work for you in the long run!
I know at the place that i shoot, when they are teaching new shooters, they will patch your shooting glasses and teach you to shoot with your right eye. Different strokes for different folks, i guess.
Next up: shotgun shooting.